Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Narcissistic Personality Disorder - Hitler and Obama

Narcissistic Personality Disorder - Hitler and Obama

Good stuff from The Alternative Conservative!

I always believed there was a something familiar to the Obama administration, after reading Alternative Conservative's blog a light went off in my head.

"Recently, I've been thinking a lot about how people compare Hitler to current world leaders. You hear this all the time. During the 8 years Bush was in office, it seemed not a day went by where I didn't hear someone, or see someone displaying their distaste for the former president by expressing a thought or, displaying a poster, a bumper sticker, a video, ect. of Bush being compared to Hitler.

The problem is, this never was able to hold much weight. Everyone claims Hitler was a great speaker but, they freely admit that Bush simply was not. Bush grew up with a normal family, a mother and father, with siblings. Hitler came from a broken home. Hitler clearly had some mental issues, he had a narcissistic personality, Bush was never accused of having any such issues. No, Bush was NO Hitler and now that he's no longer in office, we can prove he was not close to being another Hitler.

Now that Obama is in office, we have folks on the right that have taken issue with him and, they are now comparing Obama to Hitler. After doing this so many times, it sort of gets old. It's like crying wolf. You see the signs, the posters, the slogans, and you may think, "Here we go again, more nonsense." You don't have to be on the right or, the left to feel this way. It's like someone who's always complaining about something. You just become numb to it, ignoring them, not really listening to what they are saying.

To tell you the truth, I sort of felt that way. I mean, I thought it was funny. I laughed but, I sort of shrugged it off. As time has passed, and my recollection of history has come more to the forefront of my mind, I have started to take this comparison more seriously.

First, Hitler clearly had, but not officially diagnosed, narcissistic personality disorder.

Let's take a look at what indicators this site lists as symptoms for NPD.

* Believing that you're better than others
* Fantasizing about power, success and attractiveness
* Exaggerating your achievements or talents
* Expecting constant praise and admiration
* Believing that you're special and acting accordingly
* Failing to recognize other people's emotions and feelings
* Expecting others to go along with your ideas and plans
* Taking advantage of others
* Expressing disdain for those you feel are inferior
* Being jealous of others
* Believing that others are jealous of you
* Trouble keeping healthy relationships
* Setting unrealistic goals
* Being easily hurt and rejected
* Having a fragile self-esteem
* Appearing as tough-minded or unemotional

Now, I'm sure most of us have watched the Hitler...uh...I mean, History Channel. We hear all the time about Hitler and how his character fell perfectly in line with the criterion that is listed above. Hopefully, if you are reading this, you know enough about Hitler and what he did during WWII to come to the conclusion that Hitler, did indeed have NPD.

What about Obama? What do we know about Obama that would allow us to come to the conclusion that he, also has NPD?

First, we have to know what causes NPD. What is it that contributes to someone having this disorder? Is it strictly outside forces that contribute or, could there be innate problems, genetics, that assist in someone having NPD?

According to the information I've found, a dysfunctional childhood, excessive pampering, extremely high expectations, abuse or neglect, and genetics or psycho-biology are all considered to be causes of NPD.

Since, we cannot show tangible evidence from either of these men concerning genetics or biology, let's focus on the external catalysts and, compare the childhood's of Hitler and Obama. Again, we know that childhood is where this disorder is said to develop. What are the similarities between Hitler's childhood with Obama's?

• Hitler was born to a father who was a known communist.

Obama was born to a father who was a known communist.

• Hitler’s father was a government employee.

Obama’s father was a government employee.

• Hitler’s father had several other children with multiple women.

Obama’s father had several other children with multiple women.

• Hitler’s father was much older than his mother and, Hitler was conceived before his parent’s got married.

• Obama’s father was much older than his mother and, Obama was conceived before his parent’s got married.

• Hilter’s father was not interested in raising a child; he abused alcohol.

Obama’s father was not interested in raising a child; he abused alcohol.

• Hilter lived in many different residences as a child.

Obama lived in many different residences as a child.

• Hilter was alienated from his father.

Obama was alienated from his father.

• Hilter attended many different schools, including a strict Catholic school.

Obama attended many different schools, including a strict Catholic school.

• One teacher later recalled young Hitler as one who "... reacted with ill concealed hostility to advice or reproof; at the same time, he demanded of his fellow pupils their unqualified subservience, fancying himself in the role of leader, at the same time indulging in many a less innocuous prank of a kind not uncommon among immature youths."

Here are comments from his childhood fellows: ‘he used to be a naughty boy particularly among his female seniors. Once he destroyed the school’s fence which made from bamboos.’ ‘In a creative writing lesson, other students said that they wanted to be a doctor or pilot, but Barry claimed that he wanted to be a president.’

• Hitler’s father died at the age of 13.

Obama last saw his father alive at the age of 10.

• Hitler was odd and shy when he was young yet, he craved power.

Obama was odd and shy when he was young yet, he craved power.

Okay, so clearly they both have a lot of similar experiences as children. What about as they grew older? Do these similarities continue at all?

• Before his political career, Hilter wrote, “Mein Kampf”at the age of 35. The book is his autobiography, talking about political ideas, race, and his early years.

Before his political career, Obama wrote, “Dreams of my Father” at the age of 34. The book is his autobiography, talking about political ideas, race, and his early years.

• Hitler wrote a second book called, ““Zweites Buch.” This would go into further depth concerning his political ideas.

Obama wrote a second book called, “The Audacity of Hope”. This would go into further depth concerning his political ideas.

• Hitler concentrated on becoming a good speaker and was considered to be one.

Obama concentrated on becoming a good speaker and is considered to be one.

• Hitler was surrounded by Jew haters and undesirable thug type characters.

Obama is surrounded by Jew haters and undesirable characters that he calls, “czars.”

• Hitler rose to power during tough economic times. His country was not looked upon well by other countries and, he promised the people hope and change.

Obama rose to power during tough economic times. The US is not looked upon well by many other countries and, he promised us hope and change.

• The people of Germany were mesmerized by Hitler. They would cry in his presence. He wasn’t just a politician; he was a celebrity to them.

The people of the US, who support Obama, are mesmerized by him. They cry in his presence. He isn’t just a politician, he’s a celebrity.

• Hitler supported abortion.

Obama supports abortion.

• Hitler supported universal health care.

Obama is actively pushing for universal health care.

• Hitler supported gun control and believed in disarming people.

Obama supports gun control and has consistently voted for curtailing the rights of citizens to protect themselves.

• Hitler was a strong Anti-Semite. He is responsible for the murdering of millions of Jews.

Obama has expressed Anti-Semite thoughts and is supported and surrounded by KNOWN Anti-Semites, like Farrakhan, and Bill Ayers. His relationship with Bill Ayers is much deeper than what Obama wanted us to originally believe. You can read more here.

• Hitler knew that he wanted to bring about a change that would last generations and that is why he went after the youth. He started Hitler’s Youth.

Obama has captivated the youth. He’s gone far to receive support from the younger folks and, of course, I’m sure most of us have seen the video’s on youtube and throughout the internet depicting small children singing the praises of Obama. I just found out about this.

• Hitler used the Swastika as his symbol. This branded him and his ideology.

Obama also has a symbol. This has branded him and his ideology. I cannot seem to find an official name for this symbol. I might not be typing in the appropriate key words so, if you know, please leave in comments so that I may update this post."

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